1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(United Agri Products, Inc.) as the EBDC protectant fungicide. Treatments were applied with a 400-
gallon diesel powered FMC airblast sprayer calibrated to 117 gallons per acre. Based on tree row
volume calculations this block of trees computed at 300 gallon per acre. However the grower always
reduces his dilute volume to 117 GPA with historical success. Because of his excellent pruning
techniques combined with good air drainage due to site location, relatively low disease pressure was
present. As a result the standard spray schedule followed for the growing season by our grower
cooperator had reduced application rates by nearly two fold.

Table 3: Treatments for Best Fruit Farm Study.









10 oz/a

2 lb/100 @ 117 gpa = 2.34 lb/a

2 oz/100 @ 117 gpa = 2.34 oz/a

2 lb/100 @ 117 gpa = 2.34 lb/a

Applications began on 30 April for both trials, and continued throughout the primary scab season.
No fungicides were applied to the either trial prior to this date. The final spray was applied on 29
May, which correlated to 2
ndcover in the Warren County area and the end of primary scab season.
Four applications were applied for both treatments. All treatment applications contained Nitrogen (N-
Sure, 1 pint/100), Boron (Borasol, 1 pint/100), and Zinc (Zinc Chelate, 1 pint/100) to maintain tree

Table 4: Application Timings for Best Fruit Farm Study.


Application #1

Application #2

Application #3

Application #4

Application Date

Stage of Growth






Petal Fall

1st Cover

2nd Cover

The only fungicides applied for summer diseases to the entire block through the remainder of the
season were the protectant fungicides Ziram 76DF and Topsin
®M WSB in combinations. Insecticide
sprays and summer covers were maintained with the Rutgers IPM pest control schedule as determined
by weekly scouting and Skybit

A single application of 50 ppm NAD (Amid Thin W, Amvac Chemical) was used on 16 May to thin
the MacSpur's
®when they were at the 9 mm stage. Due to a light fruit set, no chemical thinning
treatments were applied to the Starkrimson's
®in 1999.

Results and Discussion

Experiment 1

A 200 fruit subsample per single tree replication was harvested. Fruit were randomly selected from
the center 2/3's of each tree harvested, as measured form top to bottom. Fruit was then placed in cold
storage (33ºF, 95% RH) until evaluated on 28 October. Data collected included: total yield, packout
grades, stem-end split ratings, percent fruit infection of powdery mildew and scab, and average fruit
diameter. A foliar rating of scab and powdery mildew infections were conducted during the summer,
after the disease cycles for both diseases were over for the season.

1999 Procure®50WS Report